The French Bride and the German Groom speak English together (of course!) but pendant la cérémonie de leur mariage they preferred French 🇫🇷 and German🇩🇪.
Ma solution : j’ai commence en hollandais (we waren tenslotte in Nederland en toen ik aan de Duitse familie vroeg: “Haben Sie es verstanden?“, had iedereen JA geknikt 😊), après la première partie en français, dann in zwei, drei Sätzen eine Zusammenfassung auf Deutsch, continuer en allemand et après un résumé en français 😅
Es gab Gelächter, on a pleuré 🥲, beide Familien fühlten sich sehr einbezogen et finalement tout le monde avait tout compris …….
The next day the couple wrote to me: We really had an amazing day and it will stay a core memory for us! We received sooo many compliments about the ceremony and we really can’t thank you enough for the great words you said.
We were so happy everybody could enjoy it and it was very emotional and fun for us too 💕
Thank you so much F. & S. for these kind words and a LOVED your wedding cake!