Who is Anke Minnee?

“Madam, you’re sure you’re not a friend of the bride and groom?” People often ask me this question at the end of the ceremony. And then I know my mission is accomplished.

When I read the advertisement in July 1991 in which they were looking for a Registrar of marriages, I said to myself: That’s the job for me! On the first of September 1991 I was officially registered In Katwijk as well as in Holland for one day.

What a wonderful job! I love the stories of the couples: when they met, why they are convinced that they are growing old together. Whenever I am in their house, I like to observe them how they interact with each other. Whether or not the future husband can find the coffee cups in their new house, or I invite the children of the couple to have a conversation ( and of course we asked their parents to leave the room because we want to surprise them!

To questions such as: “My little niece wants to sing us a love song” or: “Is it possible that our dog can bring the rings?” my answer is always: Of course, everything is possible and can be arranged!

Multiple languages

Since I was twenty years “young” I have been a French teacher, but I know how to speak German and English fluently. I regularly marry couples abroad. Because I speak those languages, couples really appreciate it when everybody can understand their story. When you’re addressed in your own language, it is certainly pleasant: you can laugh and cry together and celebrate your love!

So if you would like to give your wedding ceremony an international touch, then you have come to the right person!

Renewing the vows

Wouldn’t it be a wonderful surprise to renew your wedding vows with a special ceremony, after having been happily married for 5, 10, 25 or… years? This can happen at any location you wish, even in your backyard, at the top of a lighthouse and in every country.

Maybe you would like your (grand) children to be present this time? There is nothing more beautiful than to show your family and friends the love between two people!

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